We finished up the trip with two fabulous meals: one at Artisan,
And the best burger on the planet at McPhee’s in Templeton.
After all of the wine tasting, it was a treat to break for beer (who doesn’t break for beer?) at The Barrelhouse Brewing Conpany. Julie, the beer expert, was looking forward making a beer stop and enjoying an outdoor flight in the sunshine. She gave it a huge thumbs up and said that she may choose it next trip instead of Firestone-Walker, her usual stop. She found the beer to be excellent and said it was a very pleasant surprise.
Located in Tin City, it’s the perfect antidote to a day of Syrah. The grounds are picnic friendly and there are evening concerts weekly. A stage mounted on the bed of an old pick-up truck makes for a delightful backdrop. And of course you can’t miss the huge dragonfly sculpture in the front garden to welcome you. It’s quite a sight.
We are on the road to San Francisco this morning where this city girl loves to play.