
A rich history and food culture.

Diverse, Flavorful, and Grounded In Love

Moroccan food culture has developed over hundreds of years, evolving with its Berber, Arab, Jewish, and French influences. This diverse heritage amounts to one of our favorite food cultures, one marked by fresh ingredients and fragrant spices. Dishes are usually crafted on the spot with lots of love and pride. Pre-made or processed ingredients are a big no-no, and the difference is in the taste. 

The national dish is tagine, which is also the name of the clay cooking pot used to make it. Thanks to the unique shape of the pot and the slow-cook method applied to it, tagine delivers a tender, melt-in-your-mouth medley of beef, lamb, and veggies.

Other Moroccan staples include couscous, mint tea, fresh seafood, and some of the best vegetarian dishes in the world.